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Capstone Partners Advised FM Sylvan, Blue Point Capital Portfolio Company, on Debt Financing

Sylvan is one of North America’s leading providers of industrial pipe installation and fabrication, millwright and rigging, electrical, boiler, and turbine contracting services

Capstone Partners advised FM Sylvan (“Sylvan”), a portfolio company of Blue Point Capital, on the closing of a debt financing.  Sylvan is one of North America’s leading providers of industrial pipe installation and fabrication, millwright and rigging, electrical, boiler, and turbine contracting services.  The proceeds of the financing were used to refinance Sylvan’s existing debt and fund their acquisition of Great Lakes Mechanical.

Beginning as a local residential plumbing company in Pontiac, Michigan, Sylvan has since evolved into a leading-edge industrial services contractor. The Company provides full industrial project support including design, planning, installation, maintenance, and repair services to a diversified portfolio of customers. Sylvan’s broad range of end markets includes automotive, energy, government, education, consumer products, water treatment, material handling, food, and pharmaceutical, among others.

Blue Point Capital hired Capstone Partners’ Debt Advisory Group to help refinance its existing debt with a more flexible capital provider that can provide acquisition financing and support the Company’s continued growth.

Brad Harrop, Director, Capstone Debt Advisory Group, said

"The financing provides FM Sylvan with an experienced capital partner that is able to support the Company’s continued growth, and we are honored to have played a part in supporting their continued success."

“Multiple lenders were drawn to Sylvan’s leading position within its various geographic markets and proven ability to win business and effectively navigate the business through even the most challenging macroeconomic conditions.  The financing provides Sylvan with an experienced capital partner that is able to support the Company’s continued growth, and we are honored to have played a part in supporting their continued success.”


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