Bertani Trasporti

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Bertani Trasporti
Logistics player in the automotive industustry
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
F.lli Elia
Logistic player in cars and commercial vehicles
Adviced on Purchase of Company

Advised Bertani Trasporti on the acquisition of a 100% stake in F.lli Elia S.p.A.

Advised Bertani Trasporti, leading group in the vehicle (cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles) storage and transportation services and controlled by the Bertani’s family, completed the acquisition of a 100% stake in F.lli Elia S.p.A., a group based in Moncalieri (Turin) and operating in the same industry, thus consolidating its leading position in the sector.


F.lli Elia is a leading operator in logistic services for the automotive industry. Bertani Trasporti, controlled by the Bertani’s family, is a leading group in vehicle (cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles) storage and transportation services.


The acquisition is a part of Elia’s out-of court restructuring agreement and aids Bertani Trasporti in consolidating its leading position in the sector.

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