Duwest Inc

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Duwest Inc
Agrochemical company with presence in Central America
Acquired Selected Assets of Seller's Business Operations
Drokasa Peru
Peruvian agrochemical distributor
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised Drokasa Peru on its sale to Duwest Inc

Advised Drokasa Peru, a Peruvian agrochemical distributor, on its sale to Duwest Inc, a Guatemalan-based agrochemical company with a presence in Central America.


Drokasa’s agrochemical business and food industry supplies unit represent 62% of the company’s revenues. This includes the production and distribution factility for several unique brands within a portfolio of products including fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides. As part of the strategy, IMAP Peru executed the sale of Drokasa’s personal care business unit and the spinnoff of its cleaning products division. The transaction marks Duwest’s entry into the Peruvian market and a step towards expansion in the Latin America region.


IMAP Peru acted as Sole Financial Advisor to Drokasa on the transaction. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. 





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