Green Factory Sp. z o.o.

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Green Factory Sp. z o.o.
Producer of fresh, washed vegetables at five plants in four countries in CEE
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
K&K Family Kft.
Hungarian producer of fresh, washed vegetables
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised on the merger of K&K Family Kft. and Green Factory

In September 2021, the partial sale of one of Hungary's leading manufacturers of ready-to-eat salad and vegetable mixes was successfully completed. K&K Family Kft., founded in 2003 by Hungarian private individuals, processes and packs vegetables in its modern 3,500-square-meter plant in the village of Tök near Budapest. In 2020, the company generated HUF 2.81 billion in sales revenue and 267.5 million in profit after tax.


The buyer is a dynamically growing Polish family company based on similar foundations, Green Factory Sp.z oo. As the market leader, Green Factory supplies Poland’s largest retail chains and the HoReCa sector with ready-to-eat salads, fresh, washed vegetables and ready meals. The brand is also internationally recognized and is a market leader in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine and the Baltic countries.


IMAP Hungary was the exclusive transaction advisor to K&K Family.

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Transakcijski svetovalci
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