Renovus Capital Partners

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Renovus Capital Partners
Private equity firm
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
Thomas J. Paul
Marketing services provider for healthcare and consumer sectors
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised Thomas J. Paul, Inc. on Its Sale to Renovus Capital Partners

Capstone Partners (IMAP USA) advised Thomas J. Paul (TJP) — a leading provider of healthcare and consumer marketing services — on its sale to Renovus Capital Partners. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.


Headquartered in Pennsylvania, Thomas J. Paul provides comprehensive marketing services and targeted communications solutions to a blue-chip client base of healthcare professionals and consumer businesses. The company’s healthcare team specializes in pharmaceutical marketing, access & affordability programs, payer marketing, field force training, patient education, and more. TJP’s consumer offerings include packaging design, branding, and consumer promotions. 

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