Callista Private Equity

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Callista Private Equity
Private Equity fund
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Speedline S.r.l.
development and production of aluminium wheels for the automotive industry
Advised on Sale of Company

IMAP Italy advised Ronal Group on the sale of subsidiary Speedline to Callista Private Equity

IMAP Italy (Vitale) advised Ronal Group in the selling of its Italian subsidiary Speedline S.r.l, active in the development and production of aluminium wheels for the automotive industry, to German private equity fund Callista Private Equity. 


Ronal Group, based in Switzerland, is one of the world's leading manufacturers of light alloy wheels for major automakers as an OEM, with a turnover of ca. €1.3 billion.


The deal envisaged the reaching of an agreement with the Labour unions aimed at preserving the employment and to relaunch the production in Santa Maria di Sala (Venice) plant.


Vitale acted as financial advisor to the Ronal group offering support in the structuring of the transaction, in the negotiation phases and in the coordination of due diligence activities.

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