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Degroof Petercam host a symposium event at the IMAP Spring Conference in Paris

As bankers we're used to coming to these events and hearing a certain type of speaker, but these times call for something different, a time for solidarity, goodwill and empathy.

As bankers we're used to coming to these events and hearing a certain type of speaker, but these times call for something different, a time for solidarity, goodwill and empathy, explains François Wohrer, Group Head of Investment Banking at Degroof Petercam, as he introduced Martin Hirsch as keynote speaker at the IMAP pre-conference symposium event at Bridge - Pont Alexandre III on Thursday evening.

Martin Hirsch is currently Chairman of the Institut de l'Engagement and CEO of the Greater Paris University Hospitals (AP-HP), the largest European hospital group, and spoke about his work on social business and poverty reduction. Thank you Martin, for sharing your inspiring and uplifting work with the homeless, projects for post-prison integration and work in the 39 hospitals around Paris after the Covid outbreak.

IMAP’s partner in France & Belgium, Degroof Petercam, are hosting the IMAP Spring conference this weekend, reuniting over 130 global M&A dealmakers from Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia.



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Združitve in prevzemi v mid-market segmentu so svet priložnosti, s tem pa je povezano tudi morje možnosti in spreminjajočih se dejavnikov. Vaš svetovalec je kompas. Kontaktirajte nas za neobvezujoč posvet s strokovnjakom za združitve in prevzeme, ki bo pozorno prisluhnil vašim pomislekom in pošteno ter nepristransko ocenil najboljšo pot naprej.
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Hvala za vaše zanimanje za IMAP. Prosimo, uporabite spodnji obrazec, da nam poveste več o vaši trenutni situaciji in poskrbeli bomo, da vam bo pravi strokovnjak odgovoril čim prej.