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IMAP’s First Analyst & Associate Meeting Since Pandemic

IMAP will be hosting this week its first Analyst & Associate Meeting since before the outbreak of COVID. Over 70 IMAP analysts and associates representing 19 countries will be gathering in Rotterdam

This week IMAP will be hosting its first Analyst & Associate Meeting since before the outbreak of COVID. Over 70 IMAP analysts and associates representing 19 countries will be gathering in Rotterdam on Thursday 3 October for a three-day event designed to foster relationships between the international teams.

The meeting will kick-off on Thursday afternoon with a meet & greet cocktail, followed by a welcome address by IMAP Chairman, Jurgis V. Oniunas, who will be in attendance throughout the event.  

The diverse program includes a mix of both outward and inward- facing sessions, focusing on embedding the cultural aspects of IMAP’s strategic vision across all levels of the organization. Guest speaker and former journalist, Sonya Richardson, Partner at Spark for Growth, will lead a session devised to develop effective writing and communication skills, particularly compelling storytelling, following the Pyramid Principle. She will be joined by former McKinsey & Company colleague Gemma Hardy. There will also be internal sessions whereby attendees will share best practices and learnings from their experiences during complicated M&A transaction processes. The final day of the event consists of team-building exercises, followed by a boat tour through Rotterdam Harbor.

IMAP Chairman, Jurgis V. Oniunas, commented

“Our analysts and associates play a crucial role in the M&A process, providing support from the preliminary stages through to the finalization of transactions so it is key that we provide the opportunity for the global teams to meet to reinforce the ties than bond IMAP together. This will be our largest gathering of IMAP analysts and associates to date, which reflects just how important these events are and why they form a core part of our annual calendar. Hosted by our IMAP Netherlands team, it has been organized by the analysts, for the analysts. It also provides us the opportunity to discover and enjoy the great city of Rotterdam.”

IMAP Senior Consultant, Daan Zandbergen from IMAP Netherlands commented

“In 2016, during my first year as analyst at IMAP, I was invited to attend the very first Analyst & Associate Meeting which was called the Hamburger Club back then. Its purpose was for us “to get to know each other better and to create a tight group helping each other on leads and mandates”. After six years at IMAP, I can say with full conviction that it has succeeded in that purpose; the contacts and fun memories made that weekend still have great value in business today. It’s great to see that the Analyst & Associate Meeting has grown from 20 participants back in 2016, to 70 participants in 2022, which will strengthen the IMAP partnership. I’m looking forward to see all the familiar and new faces over the upcoming days.”

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