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IMAP Deal Summary Q3 2021

IMAP closed 185 M&A deals worth more than $18bn in Q1-Q3 2021

IMAP partners around the world closed 185 M&A deals worth more than $18 billion during the Q1-Q3 2021 period. The boom in market activity observed in the first half of the year continued in Q3 and indicators suggest that 2021 will close out as one the strongest years for IMAP on record. The strong deal making environment is being sustained by a combination of high buyer demand following the pandemic lockdown pause, cheap
financing, abundant private equity capital, and cash-rich companies pursuing growth opportunities, and business model changes amid widespread transformative market disruptions. IMAP deals were closed across 15 different sectors in Q3, with Technology, Healthcare, Industrials, and Consumer & Retail the most represented. Of the 185 IMAP deals closed in Q3, 28% were cross-border.

"In Q3, we saw global M&A hit unprecedented highs. As economic
recovery continues and with debt and equity readily available, the
dealmaking environment is increasingly robust and not surprisingly,
market sentiment is positive. Cash-flush investors are in a hurry
to close deals before the threat of tax and interest rate rises and
competition is high, markedly affecting variations and multiples.
Many of our IMAP partners are experiencing a record year and with
a strong pipeline in place, we anticipate this momentum will carry on
into Q1 2022 and to see many more landmark deals closed."

Jurgis V. Oniunas
IMAP Chairman

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