Addtech AB

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Addtech AB
Listed trading Group
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Elsystem i Perstorp AB
Industrial automation

Addtech acquires Elsystem i Perstorp AB

Addtech Automation, a business area in the Addtech Group, has acquired all shares outstanding in Elsystem i Perstorp AB


Elsystem delivers automation solutions primarily for industrial production, automated warehouses, process industry and heating plants. The offering includes electrical design, programming, installation, and service. The company has 18 employees and sales of around 40 MSEK.


Elsystem will very effectively complement Addtech´s current operations in the business area Automation and additionally add new valuable integration competence.


Addtech is a technology trading group that provides technological and economic value added in the link between manufacturers and customers. Addtech operates in selected niches in the market for advanced technology products and solutions. Its customers primarily operate in the manufacturing industry and infrastructure. Addtech has about 3 000 employees in around 130 subsidiaries that operate under their own brands. The Group has annual sales of about SEK 11 billion. Addtech is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.


IMAP advised the sellers throughout the process.

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